Sunday, April 19, 2009

On taxes

On the blog called Huffington Post I read a post called "Sharing tea bags with Right-wing exptremists" by Bob Cesca. It was about people protesting because of the introduction of some form of taxation in the USA. The author clearly opposed this form of protest, being in favour of Democrats.

Everyone in the world knows that taxes are needed to avoid wealth concentration and preventing that 80 per cent of the resources are in the hands of 67 people.
Why then the less wealthy Americans are, the more they are against it?
Simply because they are manipulated by TV and made go against their own interests. They don't realize that if they pay a little money in taxes the rich will have to pay a huge amount of money and with that money put together universities will be free, hospitals will be free, and so on...In Europe everybidy knows it sounds like an heresy!

But I must acknowlwdge that here in the USA it is not as easy as that, because nobody in the goverment defends the interests of the people. When you see that the only difference between the two major parties is that one uses the money of taxpayers to bail out big business and the other to build weapons, so they can sell them to other nations, or to send people to war so that they can control the world and make money out of it, this becomes clearer and clearer.
But what can they do? Obama had his campain founded by rich people. They even paid money to send him to Europe before he was elected (as if he was already the president) so he could see the Tour Eiffel, the Big Ben, the Parthenon...How can you betray the people who have given you so much money and even paid for your holidays and do things in favour of all the rest of the American people, who don't care, who are not your friends, who just want things from you and are not giving you anything...A president's dilemma. That is very easily solved.

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